Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hi all! I'm stuck at Denver International Airport, so I thought I would update you on a few segments that I hope will make regular appearances on tt&t.

Right now I am looking for people who would like to make one-time or even regular contributions to the following segments:

Conversation Starter
This is the segment that will kick off the show. It will be from a member of the community on a piece of music that has affected them in some way -- whether it reminds them of a place, a person, a time in their life, or any other thing. The central theme of the segment will be one that we will return to throughout the show. The contributer will pre-record the segment and provide the song, and have an opportunity to discuss the theme and the show with me.

Radio Post-It
This segment is similar to NPR's Radio Postcard. Basically, it is a 5- to 7-minutes story or set of observations with a strong emphasis on place or event. It should be heavy on audio and should make us feel like we are experiencing the place or event with you. This can be done on an entirely freelance basis.

See you 'Round Campus
One part of See you 'Round Campus will be a summary of campus news from that week. The other part will be an interview, coverage of an event on campus, or a profile of a student. This second part can (and ideally should) be done by listeners.

Live from the Studio
Any and all musical performances by campus groups. If you're interested in getting your group on the air, please contact the show!

Short Story
This segment will allow writers to read their work on the air. It will sometimes be followed by an interview with the author

This segment will provide a place for playwrights to have their work performed on the air and for actors to perform on the air. Playwrights should be conscious of whether or not the play is appropriate for the radio -- that is, without visual elements.

Again, as always. If you are interested in contributing to any of these segments, please email the show at

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